Developer Documentation

6 min readOct 21, 2020

Developers don’t like writing docs, what’s the alternative?

I don’t often spend time on Reddit, mostly because doing so sends you down the Internet wormhole. You click one link and all of a sudden, you realize you lost half the day shouting at people being wrong on the Internet. My one indulgence however is to read r/ProgrammingHumor and it was then that I saw this earlier in the week.

That is a proper cup of tea, instructions not included.

No matter how much you try, it can be hard to guide users down the right path. I plead guilty here as I often skip over all the introduction videos, guided tours, and setup wizards. Once I managed to delete my entire website just because I was too anxious to try out a new tool. The combination of over-eagerness and hubris can be a destructive mix.

Luckily, developers are generally prudent and actually use documentation. In the 2018 Stack Overflow survey, 83% of developers said they use the official documentation. That is even higher than the percentage that rely upon Stack Overflow!

If developers definitely use and value documentation, what it is deal with them not wanting to document their code? I asked a few forums both inside AWS and some external developer advocate…




Written by DEV.BIZ.OPS

Thoughts on developers, digital transformation, startups, community building & engineering culture. Author is Mark Birch @ AWS 👉

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