This Language Is So Hot Right Now
If you had to take a swag at which is the most popular programming language in the world, the one that is in most demand and that everyone is clamoring to learn, what do you think it would be? No peeking allowed…
See that word highlighted in orange starting with a P? It may not be much of a surprise, but Python is the winner. It is officially the world’s most trendiest language right now according to Stack Overflow. More popular at the point than Javascript, Java, C++, and definitely more popular than Perl.
What does this data REALLY tell us? To Dr. Dave’s point in the post, this data is not meant to start a “language war”. What is popular is not a reflection of the quality or value of a language, but what tool seems to be more useful for certain applications within a set time frame. But seriously, why Python?
Digging into the analysis in a follow-on post, based on correlations in tags searched and user profiles, there was in interesting source for Python’s incredible rise in recent years:
The fastest-growing use of Python is for data science, machine learning and academic research.
Given that machine learning and data science are two of the hottest fields right now, it makes sense that whatever had been the prevalent language early on would get a huge uplift.
One of the interesting aspects of sites like Stack Overflow is that they are a data science playground. Stack Overflow alone has over 50 million users per month. This provides some unique insights into what developers really care about when it comes to languages and a glimpse into what might be popular in the future. This can be a helpful resource for organizations looking to understand which skills to invest in further for their engineering teams.
So what is your programming language du jour on your team? Are you using Python or do you prefer to use something else?
What is a continental breakfast and what other types of breakfasts are there?
Ok, so I had a lot of breakfasts while in London, and this question came to mind.
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